Primary Care Services, Blount
Mina Kahn, MD Attending Physician, Managing Partner
Is a primary care practice in Oneonta, which is in rural Alabama. We serve patients in Blount County and surrounding counties. We have two physicians and 2 nurse practitioners, also 2 registered nurses, 3 medical assistants and 4 non clinical staff involved in front office duties and billing.
How are you involved with the VAX 2 STOP CANCER program?
I make recommendations which patients need to be vaccinated against HPV, and the vaccines are administered by the medical assistants. One of our RNs runs monthly reports to determine how many shots were given in any given month.
Why did your practice choose to participate in the program?
I have a large adolescent population that are eligible for the vaccine based on their age. To my knowledge rates of completed immunization against HPV are low in Alabama, and we needed to focus on this, while reducing the stigma that some have associated with the HPV-9 vaccine.
What have you learned from the program?
It has given me a perspective of how effective we have been in vaccinating our eligible population against HPV. The tools and information provided by Barbara have also helped introduce the concept of vaccinating as young as 9 years of age, which I was not doing previously. I feel that this will help with vaccine coverage in the long term.
What has been the most rewarding part of participating?
Seeing our vaccine coverage numbers improve with each assessment has been rewarding.
What is one thing you want the public to know about the program and/or the HPV vaccine?
There is a lot of misinformation widely propagated by a small number of individuals and groups. The vaccine is safe and is the only vaccine that can prevent a variety of cancers caused by the human papillomavirus, including cervical and anal, and those of the head and neck. The vaccine can be effectively and safely offered to children as young as 9, and if given before the age of 15, one less dose is required to complete the series
If you would like to refer a practice to our program, please email