Dental Provider Education


Preventing HPV Associated Cancers Through Effective Dental Provider Education

VAX 2 STOP CANCER has expanded our program for pediatric and family medicine physicians to include a new, on-demand training program for general and pediatric dentists, hygienists, and dental assistants. This online training includes best practices for an effective HPV vaccine recommendation starting at age 9, research-tested messages to answer the most common questions asked by hesitant parents, and printed prescription pads to refer patients for vaccination. QR-coded link to patient information page included on prescription and access to digital and print materials for providers to share with patients.

1 CE credit hour through the Board of Dental Examiners of Alabama*

Register below to access the training module.

Printed materials for distribution to patients are included with this training. Please use the address where you wish to receive these materials and your CE certificate.

*CE credit only valid for those licensed in Alabama