Dear Friends,
It is hard to believe that we are almost through February. In recognition of Black History Month we have been focusing a lot of our awareness campaign on health disparities. While recent surveys show that HPV vaccination completion among Black adolescents is higher than their white counterparts, Black men and women still have higher mortality rates for HPV-associated cancers. These disparities exist every month and while February is also National Cancer Prevention Month, we are reminded just how important it is to get the message out that the safe, long-lasting, and effective HPV vaccine works to prevent 6 different cancers year after year.
The newest group of practices participating in our training program is off to a good start. We have expanded to six new counties and are still recruiting new practices to join this round. As we have called on practices to participate, it has been evident that COVID-19 has taken its toll on pediatric providers throughout the last surge. Many groups have not had the capacity to participate so we are extra appreciative of those practices who have joined this round.
The reality is that focusing on HPV vaccination is even more important now given what we have seen about missed doses of routine vaccines and the increases in vaccine hesitancy due in no small part to online disinformation campaigns. For that reason, we are looking forward to International HPV Awareness Day on March 4th. As an official partner organization of the IHAD campaign spearheaded by the International Papillomavirus Society, we will be promoting the 2022 campaign- One Less Worry- as part of our efforts to combat misinformation online. Get a sneak peek of the campaign here. Be sure you are following our social media accounts so that you can help spread the word.
Please make plans to join us for our re-scheduled first annual "A Shot at Prevention" luncheon on April 7, 2022. You can find more details, including sponsorship opportunities below.
As always, thank you for your continued support. We cannot do it without you!
With Gratitude,
Barbara Schuler
Founder/Executive Director
P.S. If you're new to our mailing list and have missed prior editions of our newsletter you can now find them on our website.